Though the American Acadamy of Pediatrics (AAP), American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, American Academy of Family Physicians, Academy of Breastfeeding Medicine, United Nations Children's Fund and World Health Organization (WHO) "strongly recommend exclusive breastfeeding for the first six months of life and that other foods should complement breastfeeding for up to two years or more," only 13.6% of American mothers were still exclusively breastfeeding their 6-month-old babies in 2005 according to the CDC.What Discourages Breastfeeding?
Is 1 out of 4 mothers (who never begins breastfeeding) prevented by special circumstances? There is a wide range of personal reasons American mothers cite for not starting or continuing to breastfeed. Debating the motives of mothers who do not breastfeed will only further polarize us, and distract from the indisputable superiority of breastmilk (see Breastfeeding vs. Formula below for the unparalleled benefits of breastmilk).
"Human milk is species-specific, and all substitute feeding preparations differ markedly from it, making human milk uniquely superior for infant feeding."Rather, let's focus on changing our mindset as a community, so that breastfeeding is accepted as imperative to the well-being of our species. Certainly today's American society does not expect mothers to breastfeed for 6 to 12 months. Just think of our maternity leave policy (check out the 2004 Harvard study comparing worldwide maternity policies), which separates mothers and babies too early, at three months or sooner, making the continuation of exclusive breastfeeding difficult, as mothers try to pump a full supply of milk without their baby at the breast to stimulate let-down. Or, think of the pediatricians who, contrary to the AAP's recommendations, encourage mothers to supplement their breastmilk supply with formula, which in turn will reduce the mother's supply and lead to more formula feedings. Or think of the subtle endorsement for formula-feeding made by both my obstetrician's office and hospital, when they distribute free formula samples to new mothers, despite the WHO's policy on formula marketing:
-- AAP Policy Statement: Breastfeeding and the Use of Human Milk, 2005
Adopted in 1981, the international code to regulate the marketing of breast-milk substitutes calls for:Just as a birthing mother will slow or reverse her labor if she senses danger, a breastfeeding mother will have trouble with let-down if she feels afraid, nervous or intimidated. This is our natural biological response when we feel threatened. American society must accept breastfeeding as normal, good and necessary, and accordingly support and honor mothers who do so, in order for our situation to improve.
- all formula labels and information to state the benefits of breastfeeding and the health risks of substitutes;
- no promotion of breast-milk substitutes;
- no free samples of substitutes to be given to pregnant women, mothers or their families; and
- no distribution of free or subsidized substitutes to health workers or facilities.
While this sight in public stirs discomfort in some Americans, this GQ cover appeared in newsstands everywhere in January 2009. I don't think I'm winning any sexy or indecent-exposure contest here.
Why is mother's milk best?
- ...It is perfect nutrition that adapts. Breastmilk is 80% soluble nourishment, an ever-changing daily blend of more than 200 components: "water, proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals, trace metals, growth factors, hormones, enzymes, antibodies, white blood cells and more, each in ideal proportion to one another. This precise biochemical balance-virtually a 'symphony of ingredients'-cannot possibly be duplicated artificially." (Dr. Mom's Guide to Breastfeeding by Marianne R. Neifert, 1998) Breastmilk even changes during one feeding, at first thirst-quenching, then changing to the richer, creamier hind milk, full of essential fatty acids (EFAs) and lipids. Mother's diet also alters the taste of her breastmilk, helping diversify Baby's palate. Breastmilk content and supply also change as baby develops and goes through growth spurts.
- ...It gives Baby the best chance of survival and wellness. Breastmilk contains growth factors that ensure the best development of baby's organs, as well as enzymes, white blood cells, and antibodies. In fact, shortly after Mom is exposed to a germ, her breastmilk includes the antibodies to protect Baby from that specific infection. Breastmilk decreases the incidence and/or severity of a wide range of bacterial and viral infections, including ear infections, bacterial meningitis, urinary tract infections; and diarrhea and pneumonia -- the two primary causes of child mortality worldwide. Breastfeeding has also been linked to a decrease in sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS), allergies, chronic immune system disorders, and digestive disorders. Postneonatal infant mortality rates in the United States are reduced by 21% in breastfed infants.
- ...It makes Baby a healthier adult. Adults who were breastfed have lower blood pressure, lower cholesterol, and lower rates of obesity, diabetes, lymphoma, leukemia, Hodgkin disease, and asthma.
- ...It makes Baby smarter. A growing body of evidence suggests that people who were breastfed perform better in cognitive tests, understandable because breastmilk contains fatty acids that optimize brain development.
- ...It reduces your baby budget. Aside from investing in nursing bras and/or pads, breastfeeding is free!
- ...It is less work. No sterilising, cleaning and carrying bottles, mixing powder, keeping formula chilled, warming formula for feeds. "Have baby and breast, will travel."
- ...It protects Mom's long-term health. Moms who breastfed have lower rates of breast and ovarian cancer, as well as bone fractures and osteoporosis later in life.
- ...It returns Mom to pre-pregnancy weight and uterus-size faster. Calories burned and hormones released at each feeding help Mom shed pounds, and contracts the uterus to reduce its size.
- ...It strengthens mother-child bond. Hormone oxytocin released in Mom during each feeding, combined with skin-to-skin contact, promote mothering behavior and bonding with Baby.
- ...It delays the return of Mom's menstrual cycle. While not a foolproof method of birth control (hence my little brother's conception when I was 5 months old and breastfeeding), exclusive breastfeeding can postpone Mom's first postpartum period for up to or more than 12 months.
- ...It has no environmental footprint. Breastfeeding eliminates the need to dispose of formula cans and bottles; and to use energy for production and transport of artificial feeding products.